Digestive Support
Digestive Support
An Efficient Digestive System is the Key to Long Lasting Health
If your digestive system is compromised, good overall health is simply not possible no matter what else you may do. You will know if your system is working well by experiencing all of the following:
- At least one and preferably two easy bowel movements a day. First one ideally within an hour after arising.
- Firm but soft stools.
- No indigestion, stomach or intestinal discomfort at any time.
If you have any issues with either of the three points above then, for the sake of your health you must address them. If you don’t, then you are gradually and inadvertently poisoning yourself with ultimately dire consequences.
This is from decomposing food which can get trapped in your digestive system and the poisons which are generated by this decomposition begin to leak through the intestinal linings into your blood stream and puts enormous strain on your immune system as they are forced to ‘fight’ these poisons.
Tip: Immediately upon getting out of bed each morning drink one or two large glasses of warm (room temperature) PURE water. Do this BEFORE doing anything else at all. If you have some lemon put a slice in the water. This is free and is the best and most natural way to get your digestive system into ‘gear’ and potentially eliminate any constipation problems.
Prebiotics - the Natural Approach
Taking a probiotic each day is not the answer (unless you need a boost to your intestinal flora as a result of taking a course of antibiotics.) Diet and lifestyle changes and support to your natural flora is generally the best answer.
Our tip will certainly help your digestive system but most of us need a bit of extra support to ensure our digestive systems are working optimally. This was the reason we at Xtend-Life developed a very unique product called Kiwi-Klenz which is a very special extract of kiwifruit and shown to support the growth of your own good flora and suppress pathogens. It is also shown to help in the more effective digestion of proteins.
The right type of Omega 3 fatty acids can also help support a good digestive system. This is why these are included in the recommendations below. Total Balanz Pluz also can contribute to a healthy digestive system as can Zupafood ELITE or GREENZ.
Related Products | Dosage
Kiwi-Klenz | 2 Caps/Day (1 Bottle/30 Days)*
Omega-3 DHA Fish Oil | 2 Soft Gels/Day (1 Bottle/30 Days)
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