Our Message | Wellness Management - Achieve Optimum Health
Total Balance is the first component of our Core Wellness Activators. Combining this cell-fueling formula with our Omega 3 DHA Fish Oil for circulation support.
I Needed an Extra 20 Years of Health & Vitality
Eighteen years ago (1998) my life took a significant change in direction.
I had over the years developed a number of businesses from commercial fishing, boat building, property development, import/export, finance, and at that time building customized high speed ocean going catamarans.
Most of these businesses were highly successful… some were not. None of them really gave me the satisfaction I was looking for… something was missing. I wanted a business I could become really passionate about.
At that time I was 51 years of age. I had always had an interest in health and this came to the forefront when through a number of factors it was time for me to move on from building the ocean going power catamarans which I pioneered.
About that time it hit home to me that I was more than half way to 100 years of age, but I had only done a fraction of the things that I wanted to do and time was moving fast. I figured that I really had to remain healthy and active until at least 90 years of age, or longer. When I looked around me and saw the condition of my friends, many of whom were suffering from the early stages of degenerative diseases, the outlook did not look good.
Here’s how I captured those 20 extra years of healthy living…
Although I still considered myself healthy I was at the point, like so many men my age, that I was getting up 2 – 3 times each night to go to the bathroom. When I reflected on that, I had to accept that I was on the slippery slope down and unless I did something about it, it was unlikely that I would reach my goals of achieving what I wanted out of life, not only for myself but for my family as well.
I made a decision at that time to devote the rest of my life to researching what was needed to enjoy the next 40 years or more with plenty of energy and free from degenerative disease! I instinctively knew at that time that this was really what I was looking for… all these years… a goal which would not only benefit my family and me… I would be able to help others benefit as well.
I knew that diet and exercise alone would not bring about the results I was looking for. I needed the absolute best supplement program as well.
So, I spent more than a year doing full time research, travelling throughout the USA with my son Lance looking for the best supplements available. This also included visiting various manufacturing facilities. What we found was very disappointing… although we learnt a lot about the industry. We did however find what we thought was the best formula on the market at that time.
Upon our return to New Zealand I had the good fortune to meet Prof. Dr. A Munem Daoud - probably one of the most brilliant bio-scientists on the planet. Dr. Daoud, now retired, was a sought-after formulator with extensive experience and knowledge in developing pharmaceutical drugs, and who had switched his research to nutritional formulations some years earlier.
He understood metabolic pathways, and interactions between ingredients at a molecular level. He is a very remarkable and interesting man! I showed him what I considered was the best supplement that my research came up with and he laughed and said, “I can do better than that!” And he did just that!
He developed the first generation of Total Balance in the year 2000 when Xtend-Life Natural Products was ‘born’.
Did his formulations actually work?
I can answer with a resounding yes… and I can use myself as the proof. Within one year of starting Total Balance Men’s I no longer had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I still sleep through the night with no need to get up and ‘go’. My PSA is 0.5, my blood pressure is 119/75, the measurement of inflammation CRP (C-Reactive Protein) is that of a child at 0.5.
Today, at 67 (Aug 2014) - I feel better, stronger and more energized than I did when I was in my 50s! I’ve got the energy to scuba dive… just sailed my 38-ft Polynesian catamaran from New Zealand to Thailand… build a successful business… run around with my grandchildren… and do just about anything I feel like! Plus – I have no aches or pains… I don’t get colds or flu… and I certainly don’t take any prescription drugs!
I really believe I've got another 20… 30… even 40 years of healthy living ahead of me – I put this down to my supplement regime, all produced by Xtend-Life. In fact, almost all of our products have been produced because I wanted myself and my family to use them. I do eat well and exercise regularly but I am not a health fanatic and I do indulge from time to time in less than entirely healthy food and drink.
As new research and nutritional discoveries are uncovered – we continue to fine tune our formulas to ensure that my family, customers and myself are all getting the best supplements available.
From time to time I do a blog post outlining what my current supplement regime is. You are always welcome to contact me or our Customer Relations team to get the latest.
The Xtend-Life Core Wellness Activators are the 3 products that are the foundation of my health, and I hope that these remarkable products can lay the foundation for you to also achieve real long-term health and wellness.
Many of my favourite activities are outdoors on the ocean and subject to the elements.
Some years ago I felt that in addition to taking good care of myself from the inside out, I also wanted to make sure that I was also taking care of my skin from the outside. This led to the development of our own exceptional range of age-defying skin care products… they were developed from a nutritional point of view with the same principles as our dietary supplements. I can honestly say that these skin care products also provide great long-term benefit. Even though I have enormous exposure to the sun, which I love, my skin retains the health, moisture and vibrancy of someone many years younger.
I, along with my family and thousands of our customers have received similar benefits from our supplements and skin care products...
So, that is my story. I hope that you will also join the Xtend-Life family.
My commitment to you is that we will continue to work tirelessly to deliver the best products and information to help you enjoy a long, happy and healthy life.
