Even if you never venture outside without sunscreen, your skin can still be assaulted by pollution and other factors that can leave it dry, rough and wrinkled. Women everywhere are discovering a natural tool that helps them fight back. Lyc-O-Mato is a natural tomato extract that helps increase skin’s thickness, density and smoothness. Skin also becomes more supple and less wrinkled.
Think of it as a way to help your sunscreen work more efficiently. A few years ago, researchers conducted a study measuring production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which forms in the skin’s deep layers after UV-light exposure. They tested the three most popular sunscreen ingredients, and shockingly found that study participants wearing sunscreens produced more ROS after UV light exposure than those with bare skin.
However when study participants had measurable amounts of the natural tomato compounds lycopene, phytofluene and phytoene in their systems, it changed everything. Those who had consumed these nutrients in the form of the all-natural supplement Lyc-O-Mato for ten weeks experienced significantly less ROS formation. It turns out that lycopene isn’t the only important ingredient. The phytofluene and phytoene in tomatoes also play an anti-aging role in skin protection.
For skin protection and beauty from within. Lyc-O-Mato is the nutritional way to radiant, younger looking skin
Lycopene benefit’s anti-aging
At a recent conference, sponsored by the Center for Food and Nutrition Policy (CFNP) at Virginia Technical Institute, in Washington, D.C., researchers reported that they are finding more health benefits of lycopene, a pigment that gives many fruits and vegetables their red color.
One researcher at the conference, Dr. Leticia Rao from the University of Toronto, explained that lycopene’s function as an antioxidant prevents free radicals from disrupting the balance of new bone formation with the bone loss that naturally occurs with age. When that balance is thrown off, bone loss exceeds bone formation, causing the brittle bone disease osteoporosis.
Another researcher, Dr. Yoav Sharoni of Ben-Gurion University, reported that oral lycopene had a protective effect against UV skin damage, which suggested a potential inverse connection between lycopene and skin cancer. He explained that while sunscreens provide external protection from damaging UV rays, antioxidants like lycopene in the diet might provide internal protection from sunburn.
Previous research has found that the benefits of lycopene appear to affect parts of the body where lycopene concentration is highest, such as in the prostate gland. New research suggests a potential benefit for bone and skin health, and male infertility.
Lycopene is an antioxidant which appears to prevent the formation of harmful by-products of metabolism called free radicals. Free radicals are thought to be responsible for damaging the body’s cells, as well as their genetic makeup, leading to certain chronic diseases.
Researchers have currently not found any side effects from eating foods that have lycopene or from taking a lycopene supplement. The bottom line is that it is a beneficial substance for your body. Once you ingest it, your body gets to work using it as an antioxidant and for whatever else your body needs it for. To be safe, just make sure you are following standard dosage requirements.
The lycopene in tomatoes may reduce sun damage by 35%. One cup of tomatoes daily is what you need to increase your protection from sun damage. Studies have shown that this phytonutrient neutralizes harmful free radicals created by the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. To get more benefits from tomatoes, cook them first because the heat liberates three times more lycopene from the plant’s tissue. Since lycopene is a lipid, for better absorption, it should be consumed with oil.
Runner-up: Tomatoes
Why you’ll glow: Eating red helps keep skin from turning red. Volunteers who consumed 5 tablespoons of high-in-lycopene tomato paste daily for 3 months had nearly 25% more protection against sunburn in one study. Even better, skin had more collagen, which prevents sagging. Another reason to toss an extra tomato into your salad: German scientists report that higher skin levels of this antioxidant correlate to fewer fine lines and furrows.
Health bonus: Research suggests that lycopene may also lower your chances of heart disease: In one study, women with the highest levels of it had a 34% reduced risk
1 softgel of Omega primium contains 1 mg of lycopene which is in 1 tomato.
Anyway, when you take a tomato, it cannot be guaranteed the benefit of lycopene. As the lycopene vary in range 0.88-4.20 mg in a tomato, depend on the tomato species and also varied by soil and weather. Moreover, we cannot control contaminants in tomatoes.
Supplementing Omega3 primium is not only receiving the omega3 fatty acid benefit, but also get lycopene benefit same as consuming a tomato (serving size 2 softgel= 2 tomatoes). This completes the process for your radiant, healthy skin with wrinkle protecting function. Morever, supplementing lycopene with oil help increase effectiveness of lycopene 3 times. Besides Lycopene, Omega3 primium also contains Asthaxanthin which is an effective antioxidant. So supplementing this product is an excellent choice for health lover.
Today.com/health By Liz Vaccariello